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vocabulary entry (詞典中的)詞條,詞目。


Embodying the accomplishments of china ' s translation studies in the last few decades , a dictionary of translation studies , compiled by professor fang meng - zhi , also has such obvious problems as the disunity of embodiment standard , the use of wrong translations , and the set disorder of vocabulary entries , and so on 摘要方夢之教授主編的《譯學辭典》的出版,為中國翻譯學的建設做出了貢獻,對中國翻譯界意義重大,但它還存在一些比較明顯的問題:比如詞條收錄標準不統一,以訛傳訛、術語翻譯錯誤,詞條放置混亂等等。

There is n ' t any authentic definition in all the vocabulary entry 反科學在詞條上沒有確切的定義。